aa2888.com | បើកអាខោន Free | កំសាន្តដោយទំនុកចិត្ត សេវាអតិថិជន24h | aa2888HelpCenter.com | aa2888 | aa2888 help center | aa2888 Cambodia 2025-02-05 06:24:56 Sports2, Sports3 & Sports4 - Soccer - The match between "Magesi FC -vs- Chippa United" [SOUTH AFRICA PREMIERSHIP - 02/04] has been suspended at 20th minutes. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2025-02-05 05:02:09 Sports2, Sports3 & Sports4 - Soccer - The match between ''Stranraer -vs- Forfar Athletic'' [SCOTLAND LEAGUE 2 - 02/04] has been postponed. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2025-02-05 04:08:42 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to technical issue on match between "e-Southampton -vs- e-RB Leipzig'' [E-FOOTBALL F23 ELITE CLUB FRIENDLY - 02/04]. Game was not able to start. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2025-02-05 02:18:31 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to technical issue on match between ''e-England -vs- e-Poland'' [E-FOOTBALL F23 INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY - 02/04]. Game was not able to start. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2025-02-05 02:16:48 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to technical issue on match between "e-Ajax -vs- e-Valencia'' [E-FOOTBALL F23 ELITE CLUB FRIENDLY - 02/04]. Game was not able to start. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2025-02-04 22:52:00 Sports2 & Sports4 - Soccer - Due to incorrect score (VAR Check) in running ball on match between "Dhofar Salalah -vs- Al Nasr Dubai" [Gulf Club Champions League - 02/04]. All bets placed on score [1-2] from 22:40:18 to 22:41:43 are considered REFUNDED. The actual scoreline was [1-1]. Kindly please check your statement again. We apologize for the inconveniences caused 2025-02-04 21:29:21 Sports4 - E-Football -​ Due to technical issue on match between "e-England -vs- e-Austria" [E-FOOTBALL F23 INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY - 02/04]. Game was not able to start. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2025-02-04 19:43:55 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to game progress was interrupted on match between ""e-Everton -vs- e-Liverpool" & "e-Lille -vs- e-Chelsea" [E-FOOTBALL F23 ELITE CLUB FRIENDLY - 02/04]. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED(Except 1st half). Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you! 2025-02-04 13:10:27 Sports3 - SABA - [12:30PM] Due to incorrect result Half Time on match between "England (V) -vs- Bosnia-Herzegovina (V)" [SABA INTERNATIONAL FRIENDLY VIRTUAL PES 21 - 20 MINS PLAY - 02/04]. The actual result Half Time is [1-0] instead of [1-2]. Kindly please check your statement again. We apologize for the inconveniences caused 2025-02-04 12:28:16 Sports4 - E-Football - Due to technical issue on match between "e-Borussia Dortmund VS e-Manchester United" [FOOTBALL F23 ELITE CLUB FRIENDLY - 02/04]. Game was not able to start. All bets taken are considered REFUNDED. Parlay counted as one (1). Thank you!

Man City គ្រោងនឹងធ្វើឱ្យ Leroy Sane ត្រលប់មកវិញនៅខែមករា

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សារព័ត៌មាន Football Insider អះអាងថា Man City កំពុងរៀបចំផែនការក្នុងការចុះហត្ថលេខាឡើងវិញ Leroy Sane ពី Bayern Munich ក្នុងទីផ្សារដោះដូរកីឡាកររដូវរងារ។




លោក Pep Guardiola ចង់ពង្រឹងតំបន់កណ្តាល និងតំបន់ប្រយុទ្ធរបស់ក្រុមរបស់គាត់ ហើយមានអារម្មណ៍ថា Sane អាចបន្ថែមកម្លាំងបាញ់បន្ថែមទៀតដល់ជួរមុខរបស់គាត់។

ទោះបីជាខ្សែបម្រើស្លាបសញ្ជាតិអាឡឺម៉ង់អាចនឹងមាននៅលើការផ្ទេរដោយឥតគិតថ្លៃក្នុងរដូវក្តៅ ខណៈដែលគាត់ឈានដល់រយៈពេលប្រាំមួយខែចុងក្រោយនៃកិច្ចសន្យារបស់គាត់ជាមួយ Bayern ក៏ដោយក៏ Man City ចង់ចុះហត្ថលេខាលើគាត់នៅក្នុងខែមករា។

ពួកគេអាចប្រឈមមុខនឹងការប្រកួតប្រជែងពី Man United ជាមួយ Chelsea និង Liverpool សម្រាប់ខ្សែបម្រើស្លាបដែលមានល្បឿនលឿន។

កីឡាករវ័យ 28 ឆ្នាំដែលលេងនៅ Man City ពីឆ្នាំ 2016-2020 បានស៊ុតបញ្ចូលទីបាន 5 គ្រាប់ក្នុងការបង្ហាញខ្លួន 19 ដងសម្រាប់ក្រុម Bavarians នៅរដូវកាលនេះ។


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